Ultra Wide - Cyclists
Uploaded: July 26, 2004
Patricia A. Cale July 27, 2004 0
Hi Peter: I really like this shot, especially the way you used your wide-angle to make the cyclist's helmet fit the corner of the frame. Boy, I guess this means you can use wide-angle lenses with DSLRs! #151724Peter K. Burian July 27, 2004 0
Thanks for your kind comment, Pat. Most people use wide-angle subjects for distant subjects such as landscapes. My favorite use is for close-ups. Yes, there is some wide-angle (perspective) distortion, but often that works fine.Cheers! #671176
brigitte stahre June 28, 2005 0
i also like the way the helmet fills the corner.. but I find myself drawn away from the front cyclists to the one who has his arms folded and is looking away.. #1532080Mike D July 07, 2005 0
Hmmm... I'm guessing that this was taken close to Toronto or Southern Ontario? I see a St. Catharines cycling jersey in there plus a Gears jersey both are from the area. MDPeter K. Burian July 07, 2005 0
Thanks, Mike. In Kitchener, actually, at last year's road race.Peter #1565252
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