White and Red

Uploaded: March 30, 2002


Fireworks on the Fourth of July.


August 01, 2002 0

Great shot. What was your settings for this shot? #7047

Jim Peak My Courses August 01, 2002 0

Hi Robert,

Thanks very much. For this shot, I set my camera securely on a tripod and set the shutter speed to bulb position. Then I simply opened up the shutter just as the first blasts were happening, and kept it open until they stopped. It was likely about 10-15 seconds at f8 or f11. I shot with Kodak E100VS and a Canon Elan and then scanned the image with a Nikon LS4000.

If you have not seen them yet, you might enjoy reading my Top Tips on Shooting Fireworks.

Thanks again for the compliment. #10427

August 09, 2002 0

How would you take a picture like this on a digital camera? #11094

Jim Peak My Courses August 09, 2002 0

Hi Sheldon,

Well, the real question is whether or not you have control over the shutter speed. If you do, you can make such a photo - whether you are shooting digitally or not.

Most digital cameras do not allow you to control shutter speed. Check it out and look especially for a "B" or Bulb setting. This will let you open up the shutter for as long as you need. #11098

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