Paint Your Mountain

© Bob D. Hall

Paint Your Mountain

Uploaded: May 26, 2020 | Entered: May 26, 2020 05:18:05


An easy way to paint your “wall” with PhotoShop. Get 2 photos. The one you want to paint ( your Wall) and the “Paint”. The one you want to paint on to it. Load the wall into PS and duplicate the layer. Make the duplicate layer B&W. Adjust the layer to make it contrasty. Next in filters give it a light gaussian blur around (radius 6.2). Now save this layer as a PSD. Name it “Wall Displacement Map” This is an example name. For ease of working get rid of this layer in your document. Next drag your “Paint" into the document as a new layer. Next under filters select distort displace and use the displacement map you created. Have fun!

Exif: Camera: NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5200; Shutter Speed: 1/80; Aperture: f/29.0; ISO: 400; Orientation: 1; Date: 2020:05:26 02:21:25


Oscar J. Pung level-classic May 26, 2020 1

Cool photo Bob! Before reading your description I sat here thinking, "How in the heck...!" Thanks for the instructions. I'll have to try this. #1739576

Terry Korpela level-deluxe May 26, 2020 1

Nicely Done Bob! #11806083

Bob D. Hall level-classic May 26, 2020

Thanks Oscar and Terry!! Oscar there are lots of instructions on the net. Most are very wordy but better overall than my quick note. I am looking forward to see what you do!! #11806105

Ed Lauderdale level-classic May 27, 2020 1

You know it's cool!!!! #11806244

Bob D. Hall level-classic May 27, 2020

Thanks Ed!! #11806245

Bojan Bencic level-classic May 28, 2020 1

Great idea and result, Bob. Looks fantastic. #11806341

Terry Cervi level-deluxe May 28, 2020 1

Great shot and good instruction, Bob!! #11806345

Natasha Pliss level-classic May 28, 2020 1

Very impressive, Bob! Fantastic work! #11806455

Bob D. Hall level-classic June 05, 2020

Thanks Natasha! Sorry, I just saw this! #11808425

Joannie Bertucci level-classic June 29, 2020 1

Excellent PS work Bob and a great subject! Congrats on your finalist! #11814091

Bob D. Hall level-classic June 29, 2020

Thanks, Joannie!! #11814123

Jacquie Palazzolo level-classic July 01, 2020

Congratulations on your finalist!! Well deserved. #11814620

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