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Canon 7D, Tamron 18-270mm lens, 1/125, f/7.1, ISO 250,
Beth Spencer |
Sunset Road
Canon 7damron 18-270mm lens, f/7.1, 1/50, ISO 250
Beth Spencer |
Beth Spencer |
Sunset in Tucker County, I shot from a low position and I think it is straight, but it is on the side of the hill, not sure how to fix it or just leave it? Here is another view but horizontal. Any suggestions?
April 07, 2014
Dale Hardin |
Beth, I think both are fine level wise and composition wise. However, even though this was sunset, the colors do not appear correct. The objects in the scene would certainly be affected by the low sun, but the sky does not reflect that light and is the give away. I'd suggest, using these images as your source, apply a levels adjustment layer and lower the white slider on the green channel to about 230. This should give you an indication of where I believe the color should be.
April 07, 2014
Anthony L. Mancuso |
I agree with Dale about the color being off but I would address the issue by adjusting the temperature and tint sliders in ACR. Start by using the eyedropper tool and clicking on a a white area like the snow or clouds and tweak to your taste from there.
April 08, 2014
Dale Hardin |
I agree with Tony's method. I just wanted a reference so you could see where I thought you'd see the desired result. The problem is, that in this case the snow is not white, so we as a viewer have no way of knowing how much to correct the WB.
April 08, 2014
Debbie E. Payne |
I agree with Tony on the method. Dale, are you suggesting that there should be less pink and lavender in the snow? Beth, if you try adjusting the luminance slider to the right for both the magenta and the blue in the Hue/Sat Sliders, it might seem less colored and more light. I think you live in a great place for sunsets. These are awesome.
April 08, 2014
Dale Hardin |
Debbie, I agreed with Tony's method also but my aim was to show an easy way for her to see what I'd envisioned. Yes, I was interested in less pink and lavender in the snow but not a loss of it. Using the hue/saturation method reduces the deep blue of the sky, so didn't go that way.
April 08, 2014
Beth Spencer |
Edit one
Started over
Beth Spencer |
Canon 7D, Tamron 18-270mm lens, 1/125, f/7.1, ISO 250,
Beth Spencer |
Dale, you are right, there was too much of the pink and lavender in the sky. I used suggestions from you, Debbie and Tony and redid it. I think I am closer to what is should be. Then I thought about putting the before and after together and masking out what I didn't like but that didn't come close to looking right. So let me know what you think of the edits.
April 08, 2014
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